Autodesk inventor 2015 windows 10 missing constraint dialog box
Autodesk inventor 2015 windows 10 missing constraint dialog box

autodesk inventor 2015 windows 10 missing constraint dialog box

Pick Part First Limits the selectable geometry to a single component. To select different geometry on the first component, click First Selection, and then reselect. Second Selection (Transitional Face) Selects the second component. First Selection (Moving Face) Selects the first component. Selections Selects geometry on two components to constrain together.

autodesk inventor 2015 windows 10 missing constraint dialog box

Access Ribbon: Assemble tab Relationships panel Constrain, and then click the Transitional tab. A transitional constraint maintains contact between the faces as you slide the component along open degrees of freedom. A transitional constraint specifies the intended relationship between (typically) a cylindrical part face and a contiguous set of faces on another part, such as a cam in a slot.

Autodesk inventor 2015 windows 10 missing constraint dialog box